DNP and Ateneum Art Museum have been pursuing together an art appreciation program reflecting on the brain functions response and the emotional reaction to art viewing. The experiment is being developed and conducted both in Japan and Finland, two countries among those enjoying the highest life expectancy in the world, in order to ponder on the role and significance of art and museums in super-aging societies. It is expected to be completed by 2019.
Starting with the above program's interim report, including interesting anecdotes derived from trial workshops held in both countries, the seminar will then focus on another project called “Nordic Japonomania II 1900-1970,” an exhibition under preparation by Ateneum Art Museum. A panel discussion on Japonism in the Nordic countries will follow, as we should be reminded that the Nordic Japonomania I exhibition had gained huge success and received a lot of coverage in 2015 in the four Nordic countries it travelled to.
Both projects are due in 2019, when Japan and Finland will celebrate the 100th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. We hope to offer a good opportunity to think about the contribution of art to mankind from two different perspectives, those of Japan and Finland.
プログラム / Program
開会挨拶 / Greetings by host
大日本印刷株式会社 常務取締役 北島 元治
Motoharu Kitajima, Managing Director, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. -
ご挨拶 / Greetings
駐日フィンランド大使 ユッカ・シウコサーリ/Mr. Jukka Siukosaari, Ambassador of Finland
基調講演 / keynote speech
アテネウム美術館 館長 スサンナ・ペッテルソン/Dr. Susanna Pettersson, Director, Ateneum Art Museum/ Finnish National Gallery
Project 1:「フィンランド国立アテネウム美術館 × DNP ミュージアムラボ」 美術鑑賞プログラム
“Ateneum Art Museum × DNP Museum Lab” Art appreciation program- 講演
- 川畑秀明(慶應義塾大学准教授) / Presentation by Dr. Hideaki Kawabata, Associate Professor, Keio University
- プレゼンテーション / Presentation
- サトゥ・イトコネン(アテネウム美術館パブリックプログラム担当)、田中美苗(大日本印刷株式会社)
Ms. Satu Itkonen, Head of public programs, Ateneum Art MuseumMuseum/ Finnish National Gallery
Ms. Mina Tanaka, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Project 2:アテネウム美術館 「北欧のジャポノメニアⅡ1900-1970」展
Ateneum Art Museum/Finnish National Gallery
<Nordic Japanomania II 1900-1970>- 講演
- アンネ・マリア・ペノネン(アテネウム美術館学芸員)
Presentation by Ms. Anne-Maria Pennonen, Curator, Ateneum Art Museum/ Finnish National Gallery - パネルディスカッション / Panel discussion
- アンネ=マリア・ペノネン(アテネウム美術館学芸員)、 アンナ=マリア・フォン・ボンスドルフ(アテネウム美術館主任学芸員)
杉山享司(日本民藝館学芸部長) *司会進行/ スサンナ・ペッテルソン(アテネウム美術館館長)
Ms. Anne-Maria Pennonen, Curator, Ateneum Art Museum/ Finnish National Gallery
Dr. Anna-Maria von Bonsdorff, Chief Curator, Ateneum Art Museum/ Finnish National Gallery
Mr. Takashi Sugiyama, General Manger, Curator's Department, The Japan Folk Crafts Museum
*Moderator: Dr. Susanna Pettersson, Director, Ateneum Art Museum/ Finnish National Gallery
Date: Jan.26, 2018(Fri) / 10:30~15:30 (Door open at 10:00) -
DNP五反田ビル 1Fホール
Venue: DNP Gotanda Building Hall -
Capacity: First-arrived 100 applications -
Free admission, reservation required