Louvre - DNP Museum Lab (hereinafter “LDML”), which is operated by Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., shall handle the protection of the personal information of its customers obtained through its operation in the following manner.
1:Collection and use of personal information
LDML shall obtain the personal information of its customers within a scope required for achievement of the purpose of use in an appropriate and lawful manner.
LDML shall use the provided personal information for the following purposes.
(1) Guidance concerning exhibitions, lectures, events, or publications etc. sponsored, hosted, co-hosted, cosponsored, supported or cooperated by LDML, and issuance and provision of notification to the relevant individual with respect to participation certificates or tickets etc.
(2) Conducting of credit card settlement procedures
(3) Responses to inquiries made by relevant individuals
(4) Surveys in order to reflect questionnaires and history of viewing of exhibitions, etc. as statistical data for the purpose of formulation of projects and operations of LDML
2: Depositing personal information with entrustment parties for operations
LDML may disclose or supply the minimum required personal information to the entrustment parties for operations (hereinafter the “Entrustment Parties for Operation”) within the scope required for achievement of the purpose of use. In such cases, LDML shall be obliged to cause the Entrustment Parties for Operation to treat personal information in a proper manner under the relevant contracts, and shall confirm situations concerning holding and managing of personal information by the Entrustment Parties for Operation from time to time.
3: Provision of personal information to third parties
LDML shall not disclose or provide personal information of its customers to third parties except in the cases of the following items, Article 2 above, and second paragraph of Article 4 below.
(1) the customer has consented to the disclosure or provision of his or her personal information;
(2) provision is made pursuant to applicable laws and ordinances;
(3) disclosure or provision is necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer;
(4) disclosure or provision is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the customer;
(5) it is necessary to furnish cooperation for lawful activities performed by central government institutions, local authorities, or parties commissioned thereby, and obtaining the consent of the customer would impede said activities; and
(6) disclosure or provision is made under the conditions in which a customer may not be identified, such as with statistical data and so on.
4: Appropriate management of personal information
LDML shall manage personal information furnished to it safely and securely so as to prevent unauthorized use from unauthorized disclosure, loss, destruction, or unauthorized modification, etc. LDML shall hold and store personal information furnished to it on servers encrypted with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol and installed in strictly managed facilities.
Personal information provided by the customers for credit card settlement shall be stored on the servers of the payment services company(ies) and shall be transferred to the credit card company. Therefore, LDML shall not hold or store any such information.
5: Personal information retention period
LDML shall retain personal information furnished to it until the first to occur of one of the following events: (i) in case the customer requests deletion of its personal information and the procedures of Article 7 below are performed based on the intention of customer, (ii) in case the purpose of use is finished, or (iii) in case that LDML deems it appropriate not to hold personal information,.
6: Disclosure of personal information
In case a customer specifically requests disclosure of its personal information which it provided, LDML shall, within reasonable period of time and within a reasonable scope, disclose information in compliance with the standard procedures upon confirmation of the identity of the customer making such request. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LDML will make no disclosure when deemed by LDML to materially interfere with LDML’s business operations or when deemed a threat to the life, body, property, or interests of an individual, or when doing so would be in violation of applicable laws and ordinances.
7: Modification and deletion of personal information
In case a customer requests modification or deletion of its personal information which it provided, LDML shall, within reasonable period of time and within a reasonable scope, modify or delete information upon confirmation of the identity of the customer making such request.
8: Contact information
Customers desiring the disclosure, modification, or deletion of their personal information are requested to use the “Information Request Form” on the web site of LDML or to contact the “Contact Information” mentioned below.
9: Amendment of this statement
Notification of any amendment of the “LDML Project Personal Information handling” shall be given on the LDML web site. Additionally, the amended policy shall come into effect at the time when such policy is displayed on the LDML web site. 10:Governing Law and agreed jurisdiction
This Statement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan. Litigations relating hereto shall be brought to the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court as the court of exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.
Contact Information
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Louvre-DNP Museum Lab Customer Center
3-5-20 Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8001
Tel: +81-(0)3-5435-0880
Hours: 9:00 - 21:00 weekdays; 9:00 -18:00 Saturdays (closed Sundays and holidays)
Personal Information Management Administrator
Information Communication Center
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd
Information Security Promotion Office Manager
Dai Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd. Privacy Policy (Japanese) |